Teachers (current and future):
If you have an assessment resource to share, AIR needs you!
What is a resource? An AIR resource is any kind of a digital asset that teachers can use in their classrooms to help them:
- Assess student learning
- Design assessment-influenced instruction
- Implement an assessment technology
- Influence assessment policy
- Make decisions about student learning
- Analyzing data of student learning
- Interpreting test scores
Given these themes, some suggestions might be:
- Share a unit plan with assessment instruments
- Review an assessment technology
- Share an assessment instrument and analyses of data (including validity and reliability analyses)
- Describe an assessment practice, via narrative and/or videos
- Build a training unit with video
- Offer a workshop with learning outcomes and agenda
- Summarize a policy and its effects on assessment
Include in your resource the following information:
- Your name
- You role (teacher, data coach, etc.)
- Your school or institution
- Your email
- Categories (broad) and tags (specific) for your resource
- Relevant URLs (your school, the resource, etc.)