On November 28, the ISTEP committee passed a final draft for their suggestions for their replacement for ISTEP. They did not specifically state what test should replace it, but they did state that it should be an already existing test. They also suggested that the replacement should only be in May, cut down testing time, and teachers should receive results within on month. The committee still wants to test grades three to eight in English and math, grades four and six in science, and high school in English ten and Algebra. They also suggested that schools should decide how to use the scores for teacher’s evaluations, give schools two years to adjust to the replacement, and complete a study to decide how to use technology for testing. Lastly, the committee suggested providing per-pupil funding for other state’s tests throughout the year to assess their students’ progress.
Click here to learn more on Committee’s Suggestions for ISTEP Replacement
Abstract by Elizabeth Wood, AIR apprentice