As part of the community service aspect of our multicultural education requirement, our cohort traveled to an enclave in Muncie, Indiana named the Whitely community. The unofficial leader of the neighborhood is Mrs. Mary Dollison, a quiet force for good in her community and well beyond. Our group was assigned two work shift duties to help beautify the neighborhood: Day One included scraping and painting a wooden garage structure while Day Two involved painting a house front and reclaiming a family’s yard and green space. During our time in Whitely, I took photographs with an emphasis on the notion of negative space, hoping to demonstrate that the place that we visited and worked in is anything but negative. Here are the results of my efforts.
Day One:

Day Two:

The multicultural ed outreach project in the Whitely Community falls under both INTASC 2 and InTASC 10 and their cultural diversity, community engagement and family interaction components. It was nice to be able to be out in the community where many of the fellows will be working, and to help transform an environment for our stakeholders who in turn may view us as significant others.
The multicultural ed outreach project in the Whitely Community falls under both INTASC 2 and InTASC 10 and their cultural diversity, community engagement and family interaction components. It was nice to be able to be out in the community where many of the fellows will be working, and to help transform an environment for our stakeholders who in turn may view us as significant others.
Nathan C. was especially helpful in resizing and aligning the photos in this post.