SMART Goal Setting Lesson Plan

We administered our first end of unit assessment in our Chemistry I course and were met with a little worse than typical bell curve results in the distribution of scores, with 16/65 (25%) of students scoring Ds and Fs.  There seemed that no time quite like then that could be better for setting some attainable academic goals, especially for our underperforming students.  I used Locke and Latham’s goal setting theory in hopes of increasing the overall academic performance in our Chemistry I course.

Locke and Latham have studied the goal setting theory for the majority of their careers, and have determined that in order to be successful, goals must have five main components, often referred to as SMART objectives:






Below is my 5E lesson plan incorporating their techniques.

InTASC 3 was used to inspire motivation in students and to encourage autonomy.  InTASC 7 helps to know the importance of planning for instruction, and to connect cross curricular aims.  HLP 11 was used to assess learning on an ongoing basis.


Teacher:  Mrs. Abby Kozerski Houck

Date: 2 November 2015
Subject/grade level: Chemistry I (50 minute period)
Materials/Equipment: ·       Trash can


·       Graded end of unit exams

·       Calculated grade distributions

·       Overcoming barriers worksheet

·       SMART goal setting worksheet

Standards: C.1.1, C.1.2, C.1.6, C.1.7, C.2.1, C.2,2, C.2.3, C.2.4 (related to chemistry test administered to be discussed)
Lesson objective(s): Students will be able to:·       Identify barriers to goal achievement.

·       Differentiate between goals and dreams.

·       Explain the steps to setting effective goals.

·       Analyze achievement of personal goals based on goal setting.

Differentiation strategies to meet diverse learner needs:·       Read statements aloud or provide audio recordings of worksheets.·       Allow students to type responses to worksheets.
ENGAGEMENT·       Offer each student a basketball and an attempt to shoot a basket into a trashcan.·       Report the results from the first end of assessment.
EXPLORATION·       Have students turn to their elbow partner and discuss the following questions:
EXPLANATION·       Introduce SMART goal setting concepts.
ELABORATION·       Students individually complete SMART goal setting sheet.·       Explain the importance of goal setting application in all areas of life, not just the classroom.
EVALUATION·       Students will complete an exit slip Kahoot.·       Testing data will be analyzed after next end of unit exam to determine goal success rates.