A requirement of the LAMP project was to have students complete a project related to the unit of study. My LAMP project was completed during the stoichiometry unit, so the project I assigned involved students profiling a kind of chemical reaction of interest to them, and then performing a 5 gram mole to mole stoichiometry calculation using a balanced reaction involving that reaction. The end product students produced was either a poster or a brochure describing their reaction, with an illustration and the required calculations outlined. The results were fantastic:

Creative application of content is asked for in InTASC 5 and this project did just that. I feel that this project allowed for an expression of creativity that isn’t usually found in a science classroom. My goal was for students to find a real life example of a stoichiometry reaction that interested them so that the had buy in for the project. The project was graded using a rubric that I generated, aligning with InTASC 6’s assessment component.
HLP 13 is best applied to this assignment as this was a way to assess student learning in relation to stoichiometric calculations. I like that this unit had a project aligned with it as another means of assessment and I want to do more activities similar to this in the future.