Gas Laws Inquiry Investigation

I began the Gas Laws unit wondering how to present Gas Law equations in a more engaging way.  Mr. Smith suggested that we approach the discussion from an inquiry perspective using the new DataHub instruments at the school.  We had used the DataHub during Gas Laws in Chemistry II, so I modified an activity that had been used with them to present and derive the Gas Laws for Chemistry I.  The following data table was generated for student data collection during the in class demos: Gas Law Investigation

Using the DataHub to collect real time pressure data to derive the Gas Law equations.

A syringe was attached to the DataHub and variables of temperature, pressure and volume were investigated by student volunteers at the demonstration table at the front of the room.  Real time data was collected, organized, then graphed using the Vernier app on the iPad by yet another student, which was then projected for the class to see.  The relationships of Boyle’s, Charles’ and Gay-Lussac Laws were then revealed, along with their respective equations.

InTASC standards 3 & 4 were used in this activity as the content standards of Gas Laws were presented in a manner that increased engagement from an inquiry standpoint.  HLPs  3-4-13 were used when we modeling sound research techniques to obtain and analyze data.