Student teachers at Ball State University are required to complete an in-depth unit long data driven analysis of their student teaching called Learning Assessment Model Project (LAMP). I chose to run the project during the stoichiometry unit. Stoichiometry is a unifying topic of chemistry. It synthesizes previously taught topics of writing chemical formulas, calculating molar masses, performing molar conversions, and balancing chemical reaction equations so that students may apply prior knowledge to its fullest use. Stoichiometry is rigorous and challenging for students. My aim was to make this topic both accessible and useful for my students by relating it to their everyday lives. We chose the stoichiometry unit to run our LAMP project in as most students, except possibly those who have taken integrated chemistry and physics, have no experience with stoichiometry. We wanted to see the direct impact that our teaching had upon students. The following is a summary of the project, its outcome and conclusions drawn from it.
Monthly Archives: April 2016
Solution Riddles

I adapted the lab from Chemistry II for the Chemistry I students to use as a lab in preparation for the end of unit lab practical exam that some students had chosen to take. Aside from reinforcing solution chemistry calculations, this lab offered more in class practice using volumetric glassware and their associated techniques. A problem arose when each lab group required 3 volumetric flasks and our room only had a total of 12 flasks available for use. In order to circumvent extra large lab groups, but still keep students engaged, I composed a nine question problem set involving molarity, molality and dilution caluclations. In order to solve the problems, students had to answer riddles and find clues hidden around our room. At each location students solved a particular problem and then moved on to find a the next clue to solve.
Activity: Conjugate Acid/Base Pairs

Chemistry II students have sat and listened to a lot of lecture here lately, as we have been covering chemical kinetics and equilibria. They have been cooperative, using the quadratic formula and solving problems along the way. However, once we got into weak acid/base equilibria, in particular conjugate acids and bases, I wanted a kinesthetic activity that would get the students up an engaged. That was the genesis of this activity.
NAPDS Conference Poster Presentation

Our cohort was asked to apply for a grant to attend the National Association of Professional Development Schools (NAPDS) national conference to present projects that were the result of our community outreach project from our multicultural ed course this summer. I applied for the grant, but was declined funding. However, Mrs. Peggy Lewis arranged for me to present my photographs at the student poster session of NAPDS in March in Washington, DC. Mr. Smith agreed to teach our classes while I was away and I was off to the Nation’s Capitol to spend time with over 900 professional development professionals, including over 200 students like myself. The full collection of photos that I presented may be viewed here: