Tag Archives: discussion

Discussion: Special Ed v. Bilingual Ed

I lead the class discussion over two readings covering the areas of both special education and bilingual education, including Hochschild & Scovronick’s chapter on separation and inclusion from their book The American Dream and Public Schools and Olneck’s article “What Have Immigrants Wanted From American Schools? What Do They Want Now?  Historical and Contemporary Perspectives on Immigrants, Language and American Schooling.”  I offered the group a list of 35 traits of special ed and bilingual ed and asked the class to divide them according to what they felt were controversies and successes of each, without repeating topics.   The relay of this information was done electronically, with a goal to construct a real time web of concepts utilizing bubble.us to showcase a potential technology to my cohort fellows.  The map that they constructed during the discussion is below: Continue reading Discussion: Special Ed v. Bilingual Ed