Students and faculty from Ball State University attended the 2015 PATINS conference in Indianapolis on April 23. The PATINS Project is a statewide network to promote assistive/adaptive technology to teachers and schools. PATINS also assists with the utilization and creation of accessible learning environments and instructional materials.

The Ball State contingent at PATINS. Front row (L-R): Olivia (CTE GA), Caitlyn; Back row (L-R): Taylor, Julia, Matthew, Jake, Elizabeth, Dana, and Elizabeth
Dr. Matthew Stuve, Director of the CTE and Associate Professor of Educational Psychology, took students from his EDPS 345 classes (Tests and Measurement) to learn about assessment and assistive/adaptive technology. They attended seminars ranging from new applications and software, assistive technology, assessment and data collection, and classroom technology. Keynote speaker, Glenda Ritz spoke about the importance of technology and assessment in the classroom as well as the important role that teachers have in the lives of children with special needs. Some students wrote about their PATINS experiences in the new AIR Studio (search on PATINS in that eSpace).
Learn more about PATINS at: