Does Mindfulness Practice Reduce Math Test Anxiety?
Joshua Heath
Ball State University
Anxiety, in general, is a cognitive response brought about by self-doubt, inadequacy perceptions, and self-blame (Sarason, 1977). Specifically, test anxiety is defined as phenomenological and behavioral responses associated with concern about potential negative consequences before or during an evaluative situation (Zeidner, 1998). A growing line of intervention research has begun to explore the positive effects mindfulness practices have upon the perceptions of anxiety before and during evaluative situations, particularly within digital environments. The purpose of this study aims to examine the efficacy of a brief digital mindfulness intervention in decreasing test anxiety. The findings from this study are anticipated to expand upon the current availability of literature examining mindfulness interventions effective in reducing test anxiety in undergraduate students.
About the Presenter:
Joshua A. Heath is a fifth-year doctoral student in the Educational Psychology program. Research interests include mindfulness, test anxiety, burnout, and resilience.