M.S. Degree in Educational Psychology
Are you a teacher or other education professional looking to enhance your understanding of the learning process? Do you see yourself conducting research into human learning and development, or using your understanding of such research to help shape public policy?
The master’s degree in educational psychology is ideal for recent college graduates or anyone looking to transition to a full-time master’s program focused on preparing for continued advanced learning.
Our on-campus master’s program in educational psychology can advance your career and prepare you for doctoral studies. It’s also the perfect step to career advancement if you have a degree in education, psychology, or other fields involving human development and learning. If you’re interested in doing research in educational psychology or related fields, our program can help you to get ahead in the doctoral pool.
Program completion is equivalent to the first 1.5 years of doctoral study in educational psychology, which strengthens your chances of being accepted into a doctoral program.
Your courses will cover a wide range of topics including:
- learning
- motivation
- human development
- cultural diversity
- research methods
- statistics
- psychometrics
Learn more about the program here.
Festival Links
- Live Zoom during festival Exhibit Hall hours. Registered guests, see the Zoom link in the Live Schedule page. You might need to check-in to see that page.
- For Zoom, be prepared to provide the Festival password sent to you in the registration email.
- Still need to register for the Festival? Click here.