Student Affiliates of School Psychology (SASP)
Organizational Mission Statement
The purpose of the Student Affiliates in School Psychology is to support and promote scholarly pursuits in the field of school psychology by providing knowledge and experiences to advance professional development through research opportunities and access to experts, journal articles, conferences, and scholarships as in accordance with the Ball State University mission to “offer action-oriented learning, including immersive out-of-class experiences, research, and study abroad.”
Organizational Goals
Student Affiliates in School Psychology is an organization for graduate students in the field of School Psychology. Our goal is to help graduate students to continue their professional development by exposing them to a variety of fields and information relevant to working in the school systems as school psychologists.
SASP usually holds several events throughout the year that promote professional collaboration between students, provides social activities to allow students to get to know each other, and provides students with a resource to have questions answered about the profession of psychology or the program. SASP also helps host events that celebrate the success of our students.