Critical Failures in Test Anxiety Research: How Inappropriate Research Methodologies and Intervention Studies Have Stalled Progress
Dr. Jerrell Cassady
Ball State University
This presentation examines a history of test anxiety research that demonstrates how researchers (including the presenter) have missed key points in their own research studies due to chosen methods of research design, statistical analyses, or implementation methods for intervention studies. The primary conclusion is that we have created a confused state in the field due to these incomplete approaches that have delayed successful implementation of supportive coping strategies for learners in need across the developmental timespan. Specific topics will include the mistaken findings of research that classifies test anxiety as a “unidimensional” construct, the perils of examining only linear relationships, and treatment programs that fail to first differentially diagnose the core underlying causes of academic anxiety.
Dr. Jerrell Cassady is the former Chair of the Department and Professor of Psychology and has been at Ball State since 1999. His areas of expertise include test anxiety, human learning, teacher education, and research design. He frequently works with national organizations (e.g., Smithsonian Institution, National Parks Foundation) to design and implement evaluation studies documenting successful educational programming in practice.