Purpose: The objective of the current research is to provide the test-retest reliability evidence of PAS. A test-retest study provides evidence whether a scale produces similar results each time it is administered. Thus, participants will be required to respond to 49 items of PAS at two different times.
Procedure: The PAS is administered in an online survey. There will be a 3-week break between these two responses to PAS. Click on the link below to go to learn more about the study and to begin the survey with a consent form.
Inclusion Criteria: There are three inclusion criteria for participating in this research project:
1. A person who speaks English.
2. A person who ages between 18 and 70.
3. A person who has at least one year of work experience (either part-time or full-time).
IRB: 04541-2024 (Valdosta State University, Valdosta, GA 31698, USA)
Amount of department research credit participants will receive: 0.5 credits (1 to 30 minutes)
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