Golden Beads: A Golden Ticket for Teaching Math

Use of Beads Helps to Introduce Mathematical Concepts

The Golden Beads are used to give a concrete introduction to the decimal system. The Golden Beads, like all Montessori materials, are very tactile, attractive, and easy to understand.

The material consists of:

  • “unit” beads, which are just individual bead
  • “tens” bars, which are made of 10“unit” beads strung on a wire
  • “hundreds” squares, which are made of 10 “tens” bars wired together to make a square
  • “thousands” cubes, which are made of 10 “hundreds” squares wired together.

They are used to introduce mathematical concepts from counting to complex mathematical operations. Golden Beads help children visualize the mathematical and geometric patterns of numbers. All four operations can be performed using the Golden Beads. Each lesson builds on the previous lesson.

Presentation of the Golden Beads:

  • The child is first introduced to this material when he or she is around 4 to 4 ½ years of age. The first lesson would have a sensorial approach focusing on the depth, weight, and quantity of each bead material (unit bead, tens bar, hundreds square, and thousands cube).
  • The child is then introduced to the place value quantities. The child is introduced to composing numbers with the Golden Beads once he or she can name/recall what each bead material is called and which place in the decimal system each material represents.
  • Changing/Exchanging
  • Operations:
    o Static Addition
    o Dynamic Addition
    o Multiplication
    o Static Subtraction
    o Dynamic Subtraction
    o Division

Challenges or Obstacles:

  • The primary challenge when using Golden Beads is acquiring enough materials for multiple students to utilize the material at one time.  Montessori materials can be quite expensive so purchasing multiple sets can be quite expensive, however, it is well worth the investment considering the multitude of math experiences you can teach your students.
  • Once Golden Beads have been purchased it can also be difficult to find ample child accessible space to accommodate The Golden Beads.

Benefits and Successes:

  • Golden Beads allow children to refine their coordination, concentration and independence skills.
  • Golden Beads grow with a child throughout the mathematical learning process from early concrete learning stages (preschool) until they can abstractly visualize the concepts in late elementary.
  • Golden Beads provide children the opportunity to concretely learn operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

Additional Information:

Click here to see photos and a brief description of the Golden Beads

Submitted by: Carrie Sturges, Lori Bauer, and Karen Swan, Geist Montessori Academy