Making Science A Priority In Today’s Classroom

Activities Help Students Learn to Foster an Appreciation for Science

Using STEM activities; along with detailed lab manuals, will help you to foster an appreciation for science with your students.  Students need the opportunity to manipulate materials, trial and error, and use verbal and written communication to describe how things work.  STEM activities are great for students who struggle with the traditional methods of teaching.

Ideas to Share:
-Examples of STEM activities
-Lesson plans to follow
-Project example to make
-Rubrics to use
-Corresponding connections to reading, English, and math
-Connections to technology

Challenges or Obstacles:

  • STEM activities require materials that are usually found easily; however, certain labs may require supplies that are not available to you free of charge.  However, donations or finding money from other school accounts may be used to purchase materials for your activities.
  • STEM activities may also make you feel like your losing control over your classroom; however, learning to become more flexible while the students lead your classroom is a wonderful experience to see. This takes time to get use to.

Benefits and Successes:

  • ENGAGEMENT! ENGAGEMENT! ENGAGEMENT!  What more do I need to say.
  • Your students will be more excited to come to your classroom; as well as make connections between subjects.
  • Who wants to read a story about a scientist–when you can become that scientist.  Bring STEM activities into classroom will empower your students to succeed.

Submitted by: Holly Brendel, Southside Middle School