Smartboard Technology in the Classroom

Using a Smartboard in the Classroom

This Best Practice utilizes a Smart Board Projector to aid in classroom instruction. Using all the features of this technology provide great benefit to the teacher as well as the student in classroom teaching effectiveness.

Issues this Best Practice Addresses:

Working with whiteboards (or even chalkboards) present certain problems in classroom instruction. Constant erasing, dust (either chalk or whiteboard), and limited availability (once you erase, it is gone permanently) are just three of the issues working with either whiteboards or chalkboards. Full implementation of Smart Board Projector technology eliminates these problems

Major Challenges to Implementation:

There are two major challenges to implementation. First is the cost to purchase and install the technology. Second is the training of teachers to use the technology to its fullest capacity

Benefits Derived from Implementing this Best Practice:

The benefits are described in my supporting documentations (see Additional Materials).

Evidence Illustrating Success:

Since I have only had access to this technology for a year, I only have the immediate benefits to show for it. After several years of use, and increased use by my colleagues, I can compile data to show whether this technology can improve learning from a statistical standpoint.

Additional Materials:

Click here for examples of use of the Smartboard

Submitted by: Joshua Ruark, Indiana Academy of Sciences, Mathematics, and Humanities