Vocabulary Call and Response

Transitional Practice Helps Students Learn Vocabulary

Vocabulary Call and Response is a best practice that can be used during transitional times throughout the day. Students are introduced to a new vocabulary word that can be tied to any subject or course. We began by using Common Core vocabulary in Language Arts and Mathematics. When the students are introduced to the word, with help from the instructor, they create a short definition for the word. After the definition is created the students create simple hand/body movements to match the definition. Have students practice to become comfortable with the word, definition, and movements. To gain students attention, call out the vocabulary word, the students will then respond by repeating the word followed by the definition with the created movements. The students know then to direct their attention to the teacher. This best practice is best used when transitioning from one activity to another and you need to bring the students attention to the instructor. For example, when students are working in pairs and groups on a collaborative assignment and it is time to come back together and debrief, the vocabulary call and response is a great way to gain student’s attention.

Issues this Best Practice Addresses:

This practice was developed to aide in classroom transitions, while incorporating vocabulary reinforcement throughout the school day.

Major Challenges to Implementation:

There were no major challenges implementing this best practice. However, in some classrooms we found that keeping the vocabulary word the same for 2-3 days, strengthen the student’s recall of the word and definition.

Benefits Derived from Implementing this Best Practice:

There were two strong benefits that came immediately from implementing the Vocabulary Call and Response. The first was that this transitional activity was quick, effective, and most importantly educational. The second immediate benefit was the increase in student knowledge of the vocabulary word. Students were more comfortable using the word in their writing and discerning its meaning within text.

Evidence Illustrating Success:

By implementing this best practice we saw a decrease in the transition time it took for the students to bring their attention back to the teacher. Also, it has provided an increase in their vocabulary knowledge and more importantly the depth of their knowledge of the academic vocabulary. Students are more comfortable using them in conversation, in their writing, and discerning their meaning within complex text.

Submitted by: Sara Williams and Ari Hurwitz, Inspire Academy