If you are at least 18 years of age, are declared majors in the fields of mathematics, music, or psychology, and a native speaker of English, you are eligible to participate in a research study that looks at visuo-spatial thinking in current students majoring in mathematics, music, and psychology. The study will take about 45 minutes to complete. You will take three computer-based tests assessing visuo-spatial reasoning, a short survey, and the option of signing a form that authorizes the researcher to retrieve your SAT scores. The retrieved information will be de-identified and helps create variables of interest to the study. At the conclusion of the study, you will enter a raffle and have the chance of winning a cash value of $50 cash or a gift card of an equivalent value. There will be six of these rewards available.
If you believe you are eligible and are interested in participating, please contact LWANG13@BSU.EDU
Participant Eligibility Parameters
- Minimum of 18 years of age
- Have declared or already hold a degree in: Mathematics; Music; or Psychology
- Native Speaker of English
Study Components
- 3 computer-based tests
- 1 short survey
- 1 option to sign release form to SAT scores (confidential)
- 45 minutes to complete
Please contact LWANG13@BSU.EDU (Teachers College 537)