Purpose and Procedure: This study is investigating how perspective juror member response to a verdict and what factors go into sentencing. Participants will read an arrest report about an assault and the subsequent court report. The arrest record and court report has been “redrafted” from a real case but all names, places, and other identifying information has been fictionalized to protect information of those involved. The goal of our project is to understand how the general public views sentencing and what factors do they take into account when given the opportunity to recommend a sentence for a convicted person.
The study is anonymous.
Other Details:
- Eligibility. You must be at least 18 years of age.
- Participation Type: Online Survey
- Participation Time: Approximately 15 minutes
- Compensation: 1.0 research credit
- Principal Investigators: Kyle Benbow
- IRB Approval # 1256505-1
- Link to the study: