Discipline Pyramid

Image discipline pyramid

Tiered Discipline Plan Pyramid Helps to Decrease Negative Behaviors

This is a tiered discipline plan that has been proven through data to decrease negative behaviors and increase student time in the classroom. This additional time in the classroom has led to little to no instructional time being lost.

Issues this Best Practice Addresses:

The number of students sent to the office was astronomically high. Students were missing out on important, quality, key instructional academic time.

Major Challenges to Implementation:

Implementing this new system was difficult at first for staff. As with any new system, it took a few weeks for staff to truly implement this plan with rigor and fidelity.

Benefits Derived from Implementing this Best Practice:

With this plan, students have more time on task, decreased discipline referrals, and increased achievement. It also provided a better documentation process for teachers and administrators, which helped to keep parents better informed.

Evidence Illustrating Success:

Decrease in behavioral referrals and increased student achievement. We will present this data at the Best Practices Showcase.

Submitted by: Storer Elementary Staff,  Storer Elementary School