Twenty 4-point Likert-type items were developed to represent a cross-section of worries and fears in academic environments and situations. Response options were identical to the CTAR (“1 = Not at all typical of me,” “2 = Somewhat typical of me,” “3 = Quite typical of me,” and “4 = Very typical of me”). The underlying…
Abstract: Universities are increasingly cognizant of the importance of attending to the psychological and emotional needs of undergraduate learners, recognizing that anxiety and depression have significant negative impacts on student retention and success. The focus of the current study was to evaluate the connections among various forms of anxiety and examine the relationships these indicators…
Universities are increasingly cognizant of the importance of attending to the psychological and emotional needs of undergraduate learners, recognizing that anxiety and depression have significant negative impacts on student retention and success. The focus of the current study was to evaluate the connections among various forms of anxiety and examine the relationships these indicators of…
At the Indiana Academy Professional Development Session for Indiana High School Counselors. Friday, February 7, 2019 Speakers, Dr. Jerrrell Cassady, Joshua Heath
The Cognitive Test Anxiety Scale – 2nd Edition is a 24-item measure designed to assess the cognitive indicators of test anxiety experienced by students before – and during – evaluative events. Link to Questionnaire: Cognitive Test Anxiety Scale – 2nd Edition